It typically takes 2–4 weeks for your eBay store to be fully set up and operational. This includes account creation, product listing optimization, and setting up automation systems.
eBay's policies limit the number of stores a single individual or entity can operate. Partnering with individuals like you allows us to expand while giving you the opportunity to earn passive income from your store.
Your responsibilities are minimal. Our team handles the daily operations, including product sourcing, listing, and fulfillment. You’ll need to provide initial setup information, manage financial accounts (e.g., banking for payouts), and occasionally review performance updates.
Yes, we are in Salt Lake City, UTAH, and our team is experienced in navigating eBay's policies and optimizing store performance for the US market.
Testimonials Disclaimer
Testimonials reflect the real-life experiences of individuals but do not guarantee similar outcomes. Individual results will vary and depend on numerous factors, including effort and market conditions. Testimonials may have been edited for clarity or brevity. No users were compensated for their endorsements unless explicitly stated.